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    Feast fo St. Lawrence Picnic logo

    Street Festival


    Celebrating St. Lawrence Market’s rich and delicious history over 2 days in August beginning with a ticketed outdoor picnic event on Friday night followed by a St. Lawrence Market/Market Street focused event on Saturday.

    Welcome to Old Town Toronto…

    It all began in 1793 as the Town of York and the creation of the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood. Today, St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood continues to be a place where old and new coexist, where heritage buildings stand alongside modern condominiums and businesses.

    Visit Our Neighbourhoods

    Old Town Toronto is home to many exciting neighbourhoods. Find out more about each one:

    Boundary Map

    Every business and commercial property owner within the boundaries of The St. Lawrence Market Business Improvement Area (BIA), also known at Old Town Toronto, are automatically members of our not-for-profit organization.

    Old Town Toronto BIA boundaries area