Check this page out for opening hours for some of Old Town Toronto’s shops and services this holiday season.
Is a shop you’re looking for not on this list? Visit our directory to contact them here.
Let’s face it, while remaining indoors during this weird time has its benefits, sometimes things can get a little monotonous and boring. And if you have a child, the need to shake things up and…
In the history of the world, nothing has done more to evoke strong emotions or challenge our perceptions of life than art. A world without art is one that we frankly don’t want to live…
As the weather gets a little warmer we find ourselves longing for a patio or a nice air-conditioned room, enjoying a nice little glass of something special in the company of friends. Well, that dream…
As the days get a little longer and the temperature gets a little warmer, the city enters what is arguably the best time of year: patio season! Admittedly things are a little bit different this…
Let’s be honest for a second; January and February are dreary. It’s cold, it’s dark, we’re all living in constant fear of being snowed in – it just makes the days a little heavier….
✨SPOT BARKSY FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN BIG $$$ IN A GIFT CERTIFICATE TO YOUR FAVE OLD TOWN TORONTO BUSINESS ✨ To honour the launch of our shiny new website, we’re giving away 3 gift…
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